Simon Willison’s Weblog


Mozilla 1.5a and Firebird 0.6.1

23rd July 2003

Mozilla 1.5 alpha is now available for download from Changenotes here (it looks like mostly improvements to Composer, but the ability to jump from the javascript debugger straight to the view source line in question could be handy). Asa is promising a new Firebird release soon:

We’re planning on doing a Firebird release based on the Mozilla 1.5a branch. This isn’t going to be Firebird 0.7 since we haven’t met our goals for features and fixes but we think it’s important to get the autocomplete crash fix (and a few other fixes) into the hands of all the people currently using 0.6.

Some of the comments attached to Asa’s post argue against releasing a new build based on the 1.5a Mozilla code. Personally I’m looking forward to the autocomplete crash fix in an official build as opposed to just the nightlies.

This is Mozilla 1.5a and Firebird 0.6.1 by Simon Willison, posted on 23rd July 2003.

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